Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mencari Jalan Pintas

Entah karena saya yang bodoh atau mempercayai teori yang bodoh, saya percaya ada beberapa hal yang tidak dapat dilalui dengan jalan pintas. Ada banyak orang yang ingin menjadi jagoan di satu bidang tetapi tidak mau memberikan waktu – dan tentunya atensi – untuk menekuni bidang tersebut. Mereka mencari jalan pintas.
Meskipun saya melihat ini dominan di Indonesia, tapi saya yakin ini bukan monopoli orang Indonesia. Lihat saja ada banyak buku “how-to” yang durasi waktunya sangat singkat. “How to program this and that in 21 days or less”. Bagaimana bisa? Menjadi jagoan skateboard dalam waktu 3 hari.
Di bidang pendidikan, saya melihat mahasiswa sedang belajar menulis. Kebanyakan tidak percaya. Mereka yakin bahwa menulis tugas akhir, atau thesis, atau disertasi, dapat dilakukan dalam waktu sekejap. Bagaimana mungkin? Apabila mereka tidak melatih menulis, bagaimana mereka dapat membuat tulisan yang baik? Ah, saya tahu. Mereka hanya ingin lulus saja. Tulisan secukupnya saja. Asal bisa melalui syarat administratif kelulusan saja.
Okelah. Mungkin mereka ada benarnya. Namun kemudian ide yang sama diterapkan di semua hal yang mereka lalui. Asal saja. Tapi mereka ingin mendapatkan hasil – baik itu berupa finasial atau ketenaran, fame and fortune – yang bukan asal-asalan. Bagaimana mungkin?
Saya, bodohnya, masih percaya bahwa untuk menguasai sesuatu secara mahir dibutuhkan 10.000 jam atau 10 tahun – atau ekivalennya. Nah …  Eh, tapi saya tidak sendirian.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Everything happens for a reason."

It's been my favorite line for ages. Yes, there must a reason behind everything that happened in our life. No matter how hard it is, remember that there must be something good behind every conditions. I've been talking about the same thing recently, right? There are also some reasons, which I don't know how to tell. Hard time probably. I had some problems with no clue at all. I had been thinking for a long time but until now I still have no idea if I did something wrong or what. But finally I realized that there's only one way out. To accept is the only key. Accept that now everything isn't more than a beautiful memories. Accept that some people aren't meant to be together. Accept that you both are walking on different path. Accept that people might not love you the way you love them.

You can erase people from your life but memories still there. People come and go but their footsteps stay still. I'm not trying to forget the memories, cause I know it's useless. Even if I can, I wouldn't. Some people made me happy once. They were involved in God's way to create who I am. Experience is the best teacher.  And here I am, very happy, standing with a very neutral heart. I have reached the step which I feel nothing. I'm just trying to be what I used to be before. Every girl is precious. You just need the right eyes which would see you lovingly and feel lucky to have you every time he looks at you. Enchanted.

It has been a tough months. I received my mid term report last Saturday and it was pretty good. I'm going to work harder for my next report. It means may be I can't write new post so often for these 2 months. I want my parents to be proud of me. And I know God wouldn't let me down. I'm gonna win this game. Have a nice day :)

The Masquerade

Mask is not flat
It is well-shaped
It can laugh
It smiles and cries
Mask is a layer
Further and further
Taking us from the core
Mask is one’s heart
Only one who feels the pulse
And a few who hear the beat
Mask is an illusion
To be white when it is black
To be black when it is white
To deceive
Mask has two holes
For us to see
At the mirror
We are all wearing it